Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Missions Guide

Alright, so, here is my little guide to missions. I'm going to give a little disclaimer since I got some heat for my last analysis of the properties. These are just my thoughts and opinions, obviously some of it is empirical, however, please don't be upset if I'm not giving you the 100% perfect guide. Suggestions are welcome, and I'll do my best to improve any guide I give.

First off, as you can see this is a pretty simple chart for each mission detailing car, part and lo
ot requirements, as well as the amount of fuel you need, and the number in your crew
you need. For each mission you get a fixed amount of experience, and a variable amount of money, between two values, I put the min and max in this chart. I also wrote down if there is a chance of loot, however I know a lot of these are wrong, I just don't want to waist a bunch of my fuel trying to find out what I get for each mission.

So in my analysis I've shown how much experience you get per unit of fuel expressed in a percentage. The reason I choose percentages there is it lets you see a little more closely how which is giving the most return per unit of fuel, other than that, the fact it is a percentage is completely arbitrary.
Example: Local drag gives you 1 experience for 8 fuel units. 1/8=12.50%.

Also I showed the average money per unit of fuel. Calculated by averaging the max and min $ gained divided by the fuel cost. This is expressed in dollars per unit of fuel.
Example: Local Drag gives you between $150 and $250 for 8 units of fuel. ((150+250)/2)/8=$25.

Obviously if you're trying to get more experience or more money, you just choose the mission that gives you the most experience per unit of fuel or the most money per unit of fuel.
I.E. The largest number in the experience/fuel column or the average $/fuel column.

Now to give the missions an overall value, I came up with this somewhat complex, but, what I believe to be accurate "value" of the mission. This is calculated as follows:
Experience/Fuel Average $/Fuel
____________ + ___________ = "Mission Value"
Average (experience/fuel) Average (Average $/Fuel)

This weighs each item equally in context of all available missions. This value changes depending on what missions are available, however, it doesn't change the ranking of these values.

Check the chart, hope it helps.
I hope it helps, and if you have suggestions on how to improve, please let me know!

As always, feel free to add me,

Happy Racing.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Guide to Buying Properties

My guide to buying properties.
I personally think it's essential to get the most bang for your virtual buck.

To do that, first you must know the cost and return of properties.
All properties have an initial cost that goes up by 10% of the initial cost for each number of properties.
x is the initial cost, y is the number of properties already owned, giving you z the cost of this property.

The return on the property is a fixed amount.

To find which properties are the most valuable, you must determine how long until the property pays for itself, and starts earning a profit.

A simple formula allows you to determine when the property is earning profit.
(cost of property)/(return) = pay periods until you're earning profit.

For example when you buy your first parking space for $3000, earning you $25 every hour (or every 50 minutes if your a bankroller). It takes (3000/25)= 120 pay periods until you earn profit. This as it turns out, is one of the most profitable investments.

All this is just a rather long winded way to say, that you want a property that doesn't take long to pay for itself, making it a good investment.

I've created a chart to look at as reference for which property you will be most lucrative for your investment.


Hope this is helpful.
More to come.
